No such thing as Perfect Art

By Diya Ahuja, 14 April, 2020

“I want to make paintings that look as if they were made by a child”.

– Jean Michel Basquiat
Art makes you grow
Artwork by: Diya Ahuja

What is art? What does it mean? Can it be explained? There are so many things that might have popped up in your head when people use this term, ‘art’. Have you ever seen a bird building her nest? Won’t it be art?

Well, to be honest, art is something that cannot be described. It is very subjective and is always open to different interpretations. It doesn’t come in perfect shapes or sizes. Therefore people should throw away the idea of perfect art.

There is no such thing as perfect art. Perfection isn’t a thing now. You can’t force things to be in a certain way. That’s what originality is all about.

Artwork in India Art Fair 2020
Photographed by: Diya Ahuja

Artwork in India Art Fair 2020
Photographed by: DIya Ahuja

Art isn’t something that can be limited to certain shapes or certain colors. There can be different styles and ways to try it out but it is mostly what that art makes you feel. It’s a way to pour everything out on paper (or different mediums).

Scribbling, doodles, sketches, shadings and a lot more ways out there, don’t follow all the specific guidelines and the rules of designing. Art is supposed to be a free, experiential zone where there is no right or no wrong. It should be more about the emotion that the artist wants to convey visually. 

People create this concept of “perfect” art in their heads of how visually pleasing should it actually be so that it can socially be approved as “art”. This social construct blocks the chances of taking a risk and experimenting. This is what limits the creativity. We should never control the process and think of the outcome.

Artwork in India Art Fair 2020
Photographed by :Diya Ahuja

A good example of this concept can be, Ted Collier, who is an American contemporary artist and painter best known for his abstract works derived from observable patterns found in nature. His paintings are usually inspired by abstractions of mental snapshots that have evolved over time; simplifying memories and experiences into geometric compositions that contain universality in each piece.

Art can be found in anything and everything. It is just about what you’re looking for. It happens naturally to a person and can never be forced. It is supposed to set you free from all the judgments.

“If you hear a voice within you saying, ‘You cannot paint’, then by all means, paint, and the voice within you will be silenced.”

– Vincent Van Gogh

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