Art Therapy

“Art is the creation of forms of symbolic human feelings.”

Susanne Langer

By Nazvi, 12 April, 2020

Art is something that makes you happy. It is something that gives you comfort. It is an expression of emotions. Art can be anything and everything, in any form. In the form of music, dance, poetry, photography, painting or even writing. But here comes the real question; is art powerful enough to express your emotions? The emotions of feeling angry, sad, depressed, anxious or for that matter, euphoric. In an interview with Aryaman Shukla, we’ll be talking about Art Therapy.

Q. Could you please introduce yourself?

A. I’m Aryaman Shukla, a defense aspirant from Dehradun. I’m currently in my second year of college, studying computer science from DTU.

Q. Have you had/have anxiety or depression?

A. I don’t like saying it out loud but yeah.

Q. Do you practice any kind of art?

A. I sketch and also have been playing the keyboards for years now. Nothing as such other than that.

Q. Do you do it in your free time or you practice it regularly?

A. College life is a bit too hectic to do anything on a regular basis. But yeah, I make it a point to do it whenever I’m free.

Q. What do you do when you feel anxious/feeling low?

A. I usually go out to play tennis or simply go out for a run.

Q. Have you ever tried to do art while you felt anxious/low?

A. Yes, I sketch sometimes.

Q. How does it make you feel then? Is it any better?

A. It makes me feel better, that’s why I do it, right?

Q. Do you know what art therapy is?

A. Yes, I do. It’s basically how one uses their creative juices to explore emotions.

Q. Why do you think we feel better when we perform arts?

A. It takes our mind completely off all the negative thoughts and gives a sense of satisfaction when we’re done sketching, painting, playing music, etc.

Artwork by: Nazvi

So, what you’re describing here is called Art Therapy. Art therapies in psychology, is the use of artistic methods to treat psychological disorders and enhance mental health. Art therapy is a therapeutic tool rooted in the idea that creative expression can foster healing and mental well-being. It helps people express and explore their emotions, cope with stress, boost up their self-esteem, work on social skills and manage addictions. In an art therapy, the person and the therapist, together come up with a treatment plan which involves creating some form of art work. Thank you Aryaman. It was great talking to you!

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