Film adaptations of artworks

Films feature art in some way that no one has ever seen, some have a deep connection with the art, filmmakers include artworks in their mood boards for any inspiration they want to have. 

By Vaani Pujar, 16 April, 2020

Gustav Deutsch, Vienna born film director is not the only who got inspired by Edward hopper’s works, hopper influenced a lot of filmmakers in the industry through his work. The director was inspired by his paintings so much that he decided to create Shirley; visions of reality, an imagery of hopper’s paintings.

House by the railroad (Edward hopper), an empty house that matched with the motel psycho, a 1925 painting, of a gothic farmhouse on a lonely plain scale, bates house is visible in some details this American 20th century artist has an empty meaning, which sold in up for the directors. 

House by the railroad, 1925 and Motel Psycho

The original look for the Disney’s Rapunzel story which was inspired by the swing (jean Honore Fragonard), some cuteness paintings by her, that pre- revolutionary France, paintings of flowers, which made Disney to make their Rapunzel story, and the animators used it nicely. 

The morning ride (Alfred Munnings) an unscrupulous artist, and American in Paris, dick van dyke in Mary Poppins, the main star here is the morning star.

This is how a director mind works, they relate to the paintings at make something creative more out of it.

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