Going to Museum together: good idea for a date?

By Vaani Pujar 16 April, 2020

Picture by luft

Cliché, but hey 55,000 museums in the whole world, and you don’t really want to explore that with someone you like? Museums are alluring, with wooden floors, deep cocoa walls and lamps hanging from ceiling that basks the rooms in honey light. 

Every painting hanging from the wall is unique in its own way, so delicately put together, all detailed hand illustrations, colorful pieces of abstract art, along with the paintings on the walls, are statues and sculptures.

A museum date, where you can stroll around arm in arm making up the witless lies about the artifacts or professing that both fancy art critics and then the stories get more and more preposterous as you go until you can barely contain laughter. Going to a museum can be a great date for certain kind of people who are into art or who wants to explore museums because they want to know the history, it depends. 

People who really want to talk about ideas and beliefs, and want to know each other or understand each other a little better to see if they have possibilities in the future, or it can be a friendly date where you can hang out with someone you like and respect and have fun together.

In today’s world, no one really wants to go on a boring date that is to the “museum” because the only time we go to the museum is when our history teachers and our art teachers used to take us from the school. But going to a museum with someone you like or love even if it’s as a friend, it is a really nice way to get to know someone and see what tastes you share, it is also a “no strings” date that does not implicit that the guy expects the woman or the woman expects the guy to lean into the bed with him or her as a thank you meal. 

So take someone to a national museum of natural history and cherish those bits of art and history with them, stroll around, let your laugh echo off the walls, run down the slick halls, take some polaroid clicks and right after that go to a coffee shop or some restaurant and talk about things that you love or anything under the daylight, get to know each other better now, make a memory out of it, put it in your journal, live it, because it is truly beautiful.

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