Photographers and writers who’s Instagram feed will make you go crazy

By Vaani Pujar, 16 April, 2020

What attracts you on Instagram? A lot of things right. Being very specific, there are a lot of pages of visual artists to adore from your screen if you take a glance at their profiles, you will fall in love.

Instagram is a huge deal and a great place to let the people, companies and the designers get to know about their work.

Here are some visual artists profiles on Instagram, we’d like you to show;

Simon Schmidt

His profile tells us about a story what he is been trying to capture, with every story there is writing for that, for what that actually really means a fashion lover with a bit of more creativity in it.

Michael Darlington

A stylist and a consultant in London, his methods of styling is something which will make you fall in love with his page.


A poet, songwriter and sound artist, he makes music, this artist’s music is just attractive, the whole look of his profile speaks.

The profiles above are the ones you will adore, the aesthetics of these profiles makes me want to change my profile. 

Do check them out. 

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