Locked Down With Kids? Here are 3 Things Which Will Keep Them Hooked

By Rushil Pradhan, 10 April, 2020

With this ongoing pandemic across the globe and total isolation, it can be quite difficult for working parents to work from home and manage kids simultaneously.

Here are 3 things online that  you can try which will boost your kids creativity and keep them entertained so that you can work in peace.

  1. Virtual Art Classes by art teacher Cassie Strephens

Cassie Stephens, an art teacher at Johnson Elementary School in Franklin, Tennessee is hosting daily half-hour art & crafts sessions on Instagram and Facebook Live on weekdays from 11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

She also has a Youtube playlist which can be streamed at any time.

  1.  Animal Hunt With Google

If you type an animal’s name into Google (on an iPhone or Android) and then press ‘View in 3D’. It brings up your camera and then 30 seconds later you have a tiger in your house! You can let them search for the 3D animals hiding around your house or even take pictures of your kids with these 3D Google animals.

Here are some for starters

 lion, bear, shark, penguin, horse, pony, octopus and cheetah too.

  1. Contemporary Art Quizzes and Virtual Coloring Books.

Through the #ColorOurCollections, The Newberry, a research library in Chicago along with hundreds of other institutions  have released a downloadable PDF of coloring pages of works from their collections. Kids can learn all the in and outs of how artists like Vincent Van Gogh create their artworks or color mythical creatures such as dragons, unicorns and many others with University of Minnesota.

Tate is a good place if your kids like playing quizzes.

the getty also has its own online series of collection based mind memory games.

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