Movie Review “Sleepy Hollow”: A Timeless Horror Film

Have You Ever Imagined Living In A Village With A Murderer Wandering Around?

By Rushil Pradhan, 09 April, 2020

Artwork by: Rushil Pradhan

Sleepy Hollows is a thriller-horror film released in 1999 directed by Tim Burton. Even after all these years, it is a Breathtaking movie upholding a rating of 7.3 on IMDB and 68% on Rotten Tomatoes. 

As the story lies, a police constable was sent to the countryside of Sleepy Hollow in the town of Mount Pleasant, Located in Westchester County of New York, to unravel the case of oblivious murders taking place.

Ichabod Crane (Johnny Depp) takes off with his investigation with a doubtful belief of the crimes which appeared as ghostlike fiction. 

After a series of incidents and deaths, Ichabod witnesses the ruthless killer of the story, the Headless Horseman, to take the life of a person, Philipse, who was giving tips on the killings.

He, accompanied by two other characters, Masbath (Marc Pickering) and Katrina (Christina Ricci).commence their expedition into the Western Woods whereby a ugly discloses the location of the Horseman’s grave which was known as the Tree of the Dead.

As Ichabod excavates the grave he figures out that the skull was gone, possibly leading to the conclusion that whoever took the skull is now in control of the Headless Horseman and the tree is his doorway into the living world. 

After a whole lot of enthralling and spine-chilling actions, the detective manages to salvage the skull from Lady Van Tassel,Katrina’s step mother, and puts it back into the grave to break the curse and stop Lady VanTassel’s evil spell.

 The story comes to an exciting and sensational end which you ought to figure out on your own if you haven’t already!

We watch thriller and horror movies to experience the creeps crawling up our spine but not always are those able to bring us at the edge of the seats. But apparently. Sleepy Hollow is one of those films that will give you the same chilling feel every time you watch it, courtesy of the sound and visual effects and fabulous acting. It is a must-watch for all horror-loving fans.

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