Mental Health > Productive Quarantine

By Diya Ahuja, 19 April, 2020

Artwork by: Diya Ahuja

Who said quarantine should be productive? Mental health has to be the top priority in everyone’s lives. This is the first time everyone in the whole world is experiencing this. This is something huge for everybody.

This situation, we’re in is scary and concerns everyone out there. The virus has no cure. It can only heal with time and if it doesn’t, then it’s gonna be the end.

In this situation, every country, every state is in lockdown and it has been more than a month. Being at the place you were before the lockdown started can make you go nuts depending on the situation. It can be hard for so many people.

No one’s to blame if you aren’t in the right state of mind to be productive. Mental health is bound to deteriorate in situations like these. How can one not lose his/her sanity during these hard times?

Artwork by: Diya Ahuja

Being productive during this quarantine is not at all necessary. It is fine if things don’t work out according to the planner you thought you’d stick to, on the first day of the lock down.

Everyone’s posting and updating on Instagram about what they did during the day. How productive they’ve been or what did they bake today or what skill did they learn. It is not supposed to make anyone feel anything. There’s no competition going on between anyone.

You can sleep for days if you aren’t feeling good. You don’t have to set a to-do list for yourself if you aren’t ready for that. It is totally fine. Mental health should be the priority right now no matter what. People should do whatever they feel like doing and keep going through this however they want to. This is going to end soon. Hang in there!

Stay Safe and Stay Indoors!

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