Lust for life by Irving stone review

“Reading has always been the largest and most irreplaceable pleasure for Vincent; reading about other people’s successes and failures, joys and sufferings seemed to bury his own failures.” 

Irving Stone

By Vaani Pujar 16 April, 2020

Book about the life painter Vincent van Gogh’s, with hardworking was his favourite work subject to draw because he already faced so much in life, his life was marked with recurring depression and shame also because he couldn’t really live up to others’ expectations. 

Artwork by Vaani Pujar

So, he himself worked really hard to do better. It was really a passion for him. 

Vincent was a pastor kid, his family was Dutch, England, Holland, Belgium and France basically all over Europe, he was the odd one out, never really fit in with the others. He was also really unlucky in love; all of his relationships were basically on the edge which ended up badly. “It’s so easy to love. The only hard thing is to be loved.”

He was removed from his jobs, whatever he tried to do whether he served in a very poor mining or work at an art dealership. 

Later on, he began drawing, at first, he started to draw the miners, with whom he used to work, drew huts and their families in their homes. His earlier paintings were considered unrefined. 

Irving stone used every quote as a meaning for the person who wants to actually read it or what to know about it. His younger brother Theo, was a successful at the art dealership, his younger brother supported him through thick and thin, Theo encouragement, made him want to do things what he really liked, he made a lot of friends in the artistic field, he tried to make an artist colony where artists can support and live and work together. 

Gauguin lived with van Gogh in Arles, but the competition between them turned into a chaos, Vincent eventually had a breakdown and cut off his ear with a razor. 

Gogh was diagnosed with epilepsy, he was sent to an asylum at St. Remy, where he started to paint again, he had 1100 drawings and 900 paintings, he was really an artistic man and every artist faces a lot as per the circumstances they live in. one painting was sold, in his entire life. 

This is a great book for the ones who want to learn about art, it has all the beauty.

“Someday my paintings will be hanging in the Louvre.”

Vincent Van Gogh

and it really is hanging in about 55,000 museums all around the world.

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