Van really gone; Painting worth million got stolen on Artist’s 167th birthday

“In these dark days that we are in, I feel so strongly that art is here to comfort us, to inspire us and to heal us.”

– Jan Rudolph de Lorm 

By Vaani Pujar, 16 April, 2020

The parsonage garden at nuenen in spring

 Most shocking news, while you were sitting at home due to world lockdown and all 55, ooo museums are closed, someone came into the darkness, broke the glass doors of the museum and decamped an 1884 oil painting by Vincent Van Gogh called The parsonage garden at nuenen in spring in south east Singer laren museum, Amsterdam.

Believe it or not, it was crazy how people reacted to it when they got to know that the painting got stolen on 30th march, 167th birthday of Vincent van Gogh.

Well some people commented on New York times Instagram post, “art is a wonderful distractor during turbulent times,” and some others started to tweet about it so much.

Crooks really took advantage of the chaos caused by the pandemic, a lot of art galleries faced a lot of situations regarding this, as the situation is tight, whosoever tries to buy the painting under shadow and whosoever stole it might get caught easily, or what if the person who stole it doesn’t really want to sell but keep it at his house in his living room. 

As Marinello said, “I don’t want to compromise the current investigation but generally speaking, the way out of the Netherlands is usually through the criminal markets in Belgium and over to organized gangs in the Balkans.”

The thieves might not really be that far due to covid shutdown.

In the last few decades around 30 van Gogh paintings were stolen in Netherlands, all of them were found, eventually, Marinello further added, “I do believe that this van Gogh will be recovered—hopefully before the world has recovered from this pandemic.”

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