Perks of Art Journaling

Interview with Swaraj, a school graduate who loves journaling

By Vaani Pujar, 16 April, 2020

Art Journaling by Swaraj

Q. What are your hobbies?

A. Speaking of my hobbies, it’s like a mixed bag! I love reading on most days and randomly picking up my art palette and try to replicate my thoughts over the canvas, I absolutely love clicking random stuff, something very unfamiliar to me, other than that I’ve found myself developing a love for baking lately! Also, I like to solve calculus, to fight boredom, it just calms my nerves down!

Q. Why are you into art journaling? 

A. Coming to art journaling, it was never something that occurred to me in the first place. I used to make planners and mood boards for myself so I can be a little more organized. And then I stumbled upon Pinterest., much to my surprise it was the source of massive inspiration because you get to see so much of incredible work that instills you to create more. Also, usually we associate art for something that should be very artistic and pretty but I want to break this stereotype because art journals are all about a collection of chaotic mess in a way it gives the impression of your mind and primarily something that aligns with your aesthetic, something that brings out the unique in you.

Q. Do you write sometimes in that journal and make some art related to that piece of poem or writings? 

A. So, I usually don’t use my own writings, I have a separate blog for it. I usually use snippets, words, lyrics any form of lines from books and from various other platforms like Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest of course etc. and try to calligraph them over!

Q.Do you think that maintaining a journal, really helps someone express some unsaid feelings or words? 

A. Sure, it does, to be able to put your thoughts on just two sheets that resonates with you, something very intriguing and relaxing to do yes! it is bound to open the creative side even if you are not that into art, an art journal is indeed a safe space for me to vent out and rant my heart out.

Q. Do you follow some journaling pages or any art pages on Instagram? 

A. I don’t follow a lot of Instagram artists but some artists I’d love to mention include ;

Q. Do you think that artistic life is lonely? (As an artist always isolate themselves from everyone) 

A. I don’t think so, it’s quite subjective! I feel like I have enough friends even though yes, they are limited to the internet. The isolation part is actually important for creating because you need that peace of mind and a free headspace to start thinking. Most of my ideas are thought of when I have no one to talk to, so that’s where the need for isolation arises, I guess it’s all about having a correct balance.

Q. Describe anything from your art journal that you really like, or something that really means a lot to you.

A. Lastly, this one’s difficult haha. there are so many to choose from but I’d like to pick up from a recent instance. I was on a flight back home and It was a layover flight with a 5 hour wait at the airport itself?! and I saw this very comfy book cafe and had these watercolor cakes and my journal and a black pen in my bag pack. So, I made circles of different sizes, filled that in with paints. And then drew mandalas. It turned out quite well hahaa!

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