Know the Artist more: An Interview with Photographer John Edward

By Rushil Pradhan, 21 April 2020

As a part of our series “Know The Artist More”, Today we have John Edward, An Air force engineer turned photographer. Who is currently working as a Course Leader at Pearl Academy teaching Photography and Visual Communication.

He is a Canon Photo Mentor and an official photographer for UNICEF India. He is known for his in-depth knowledge with an interesting way of teaching. Extensively worked upon People, Fashion, Editorial and Industrial Photography.

He’s full of surprises and we like that a lot. Follow @John Edward.


Q. Could you please introduce yourself?

A. Hi..I am John Edwrads, An Air force engineer turned photographer, Visual  communicator.

Q. How do you like to start your day?

A. No rigid fixed timings…depends on the mood and commitments.

Q. Do you have any routine or follow any rituals when you’re working?

A. Reaching in Time makes a smooth start of the day’s work. Rest follows!

Q. Can you give us any idea about the space you ideally work in?

A. Well, If it is a studio, things are generally in place…If it is outdoors I must have a recce.

Q. When was the moment you decided to be a photographer?

A. As a hobby it started when I was in grade 9. In the late 80’s I was posted in Agra, My newly bought Zenit camera and the frequent visits to Taj Mahal changed my vision.

Work related Questions

Q. Do you work in a community or independently?

A. Independently 

Q. How would you describe your style?

A. KISS (Keep it simple and short/sweet/stupid) No technical gimmicks!

*Okay for these question take your time and answer*

Q. How would you define beauty in 140 characters or less?

A. Beauty is a very relative/subjective term. That totally depends on the person who sees, His/Her personality, inner character experiences and preferences decides that person’s version of beauty!

Q. Can you tell us about the process of capturing your Photographs?

A. It depends on the types of projects I am working on. The process for a commercial/fashion shoot is entirely different from a project I do with an NGO in a remote village! But Connectivity with your subject is the key in every process.

Q. How important are the individual stories of your subjects?

A. Every subject is unique, as a photographer your challenges are how efficiently you bring that story out in your frame.

Q. Do you have a favourite photograph, which inspires you?

A. I can’t single out..almost every shot has something in it…that inspiration only made you to shoot it!

Q. What is it like to be a Photographer?

A. As it is my chosen profession I enjoy every project. Being a photographer keeps you a constant learner. You get exposed to different things, people, situations, landscapes, cultures and technologies…so the learning never ends.

Q. What advice can you give photographers following in your steps?

A. Listen to your heart.

Q. Do you love what you do? If so, why?

A. Yes..that is the reason I have shifted from engineering. The shutter sound excites me..and gives me a High every time. As I said I belong to that minority tribe who are blessed to do what they love to do for a living..then that is not a work anymore!

Q. Your Digital work is incredibly detailed. What tools or programs do you use to create your Photographs?

A. I am a minimalistic person when it comes to post processing. Never over do.

Q. Along with Capturing Photographs , What else you do . Does it influence your work, or vice-versa?

A. Observing People and it does help.

Q. Are there any new mediums or creative techniques you’d like to try out in the future?

A. Ha..Ha..I would like to go back to Analog shooting and wet processing.

Q. What work would you like to be remembered for?

A. That is yet to come!

Q. Have you ever had a moment when you questioned your career entirely?

A. Yeah..when I was an Engineer!!!

Ending Questions.

Q. What’s your favorite thing to do that doesn’t involve sitting in front of a computer?

A. Cooking

Q. What do you wish every child were taught?

A. Appreciating thing around them

Q. What advice would you give to a young person following in your footsteps?

A. Do not become a photographer for external reasons.

Q. Why do you love what you do?

A. It is for that high every time a shot of Dopamine is released!

Thank You For Giving Us Your Time.

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