
By Diya Ahuja, 1 May, 2020

Artwork by: Diya Ahuja

Yesterday, I was going through some artworks from different artists. I grew fond of them at that very moment. I wasn’t exactly able to decipher what the artwork was about or the story behind that artwork. It was tough because the meaning wasn’t right there but that is what made it special. It is one of the reasons that made me dive deep into the research behind that later. Does this happen to you too? The fact that you’re not able to understand something in one go which ends up fascinating you more about it?

I’d like to believe that abstract is the right word for this even if is not. For me, an abstract is something that is subjective because of all the emotions put behind creating that particular art form. Maybe, it is just a piece taken out from a bigger picture to create a different form of meaning or perspective. It can or cannot convey different things. Maybe, it is just an unsolved piece kept in front of you to give meaning to it. It isn’t supposed to be complete. What if the writer or the artist wants it to be raw with abrupt endings. Isn’t their beauty in these mysteries? Doesn’t this leave you asking for more?

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