About Us

Artwork by: David Altmeid
Photograph by: Michael Oliver Love
Photograph by: Michael Oliver Love

“There must always be two kinds of art: escape-art, for man needs escape as he needs food and deep sleep, and parable-art, that art which shall teach man to unlearn hatred and learn love.”

—W.H. Auden

The name “Artchaic” originates from the two English words- ‘Art’, which means the skill of producing things such as painting, photography, sculpting, etc. and ‘Archaic’, which means the characteristics of an earlier period; antiquated. True to its name, the website talks about the origin of Visual Arts, which was in Egypt. And this is depicted in the triangles which represent the Pyramids.

Artchaic is a website for every artist out there, emerging or known, to connect and form a whole new community altogether. We are your true source of gossip, entertainment, videos and facts, all revolving around art. Join us and we’ll keep you updated throughout.

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