Know the Artist More: Anthony Rondinone

By Diya Ahuja, 3 April, 2020 Q. Hi Anthony. Tell us something about yourself. A. I grew up in the Bronx and I think that exposed me to a lot of weird stuff at an early age which I think I still use today when painting or writing music. Q. How well do you connectContinue reading “Know the Artist More: Anthony Rondinone”

Know the Artist more: Interview with a Digital Artist

By Diya Ahuja, 28 April, 2020 “Born out of necessity, art is my compass through the unpredictable landscape of my mind. When the mind is in a state where it can only see darkness, the world feeling muted, the body feeling heavy, you have to confront color before you can perceive it.“ – Ragni AgarwalContinue reading “Know the Artist more: Interview with a Digital Artist”

Forbidden Fruit comes with History

By Diya Ahuja, 23 April, 2020 What is controversial art? Well, to be precise, the exact definition of controversial art is that it is a form of art that is not generally accepted within society. It has been created or found from previous times. This means a piece of controversial art of one era mayContinue reading “Forbidden Fruit comes with History”

Edda Gimnes: 2016 Collection

By Diya Ahuja, 21 April, 2020 “All the disparate elements in my collection tell a story of their own, from the fur, the canvas, a huge embroidered dress, to a tiny little bra made in canvas” – Edda Gimnes Who would have thought of using their initial sketches as a final print on clothes? Unbelievable,Continue reading “Edda Gimnes: 2016 Collection”

Schiaparelli: Spring Collection 2017 “Chinoiserie at Heart”

By Diya Ahuja, 20 April, 2020 Working in terms of surrealism isn’t new for Schiaparelli. Surrealism and Schiaparelli have been going hand in hand since forever in this fashion industry. The Spring 2017 collection, “Chinoiserie at Heart” that took place in Paris was diverse. Bertrand Guyon played with a lot of colors, Chinese motifs, simplerContinue reading “Schiaparelli: Spring Collection 2017 “Chinoiserie at Heart””

Movie Review: Donnie Darko 2001

By Diya Ahuja, 20 April, 2020 Donnie Darko is a 2001 American science fiction psychological thriller film written and directed by Richard Kelly. It stars Jake Gyllenhaal, Jena Malone, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Drew Barrymore, Mary McDonnell, Katherine Ross, Patrick Swayze, Daveigh Chase, and James Duval. “28 days…6 hours…42 minutes…12 secs. That is when the world willContinue reading “Movie Review: Donnie Darko 2001”

Mental Health > Productive Quarantine

By Diya Ahuja, 19 April, 2020 Who said quarantine should be productive? Mental health has to be the top priority in everyone’s lives. This is the first time everyone in the whole world is experiencing this. This is something huge for everybody. This situation, we’re in is scary and concerns everyone out there. The virusContinue reading “Mental Health > Productive Quarantine”

Movie Review: Midnight In Paris 2011

By Diya Ahuja, 19 April, 2020 “I can never decide whether Paris is more beautiful by day or by night.” – Adriana (Midnight in Paris) Have you ever watched a movie that moves you in a funny yet engaging way that you keep thinking about it for days? Well, that’s exactly how I felt afterContinue reading “Movie Review: Midnight In Paris 2011”

Art: Emotion: Fashion

By Diya Ahuja, 19 April, 2020 Imagine wearing something that you’re feeling? Isn’t that great? Well, you might have realized this now, but you’ve been doing this, subconsciously since forever. Isn’t fashion a form of art? What is art anyway? Art is something that expresses an idea or an emotion. There is no such definitionContinue reading “Art: Emotion: Fashion”

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