Art Therapy

“Art is the creation of forms of symbolic human feelings.” – Susanne Langer By Nazvi, 12 April, 2020 Art is something that makes you happy. It is something that gives you comfort. It is an expression of emotions. Art can be anything and everything, in any form. In the form of music, dance, poetry, photography,Continue reading “Art Therapy”

Cymagics: Science and Music in One Video

By Nazvi, 11 April, 2020 The word “Cymatics” means the science of visualizing audio frequencies. This music video is an interesting piece which combines Music and Science both. The inspiration for this was a 1999 documentary, ‘Synesthesia’ based on a disorder that affects the audio and visual functions of the brain. People with the disorderContinue reading “Cymagics: Science and Music in One Video”

Unthinkable fates: Here’s what you might have missed out in the Music Video

“We’re gonna get it, get it together right now.” – Coldplay By Nazvi, 10 April, 2020 Up & Up is a contemporary song by Coldplay a British rock band, with a message that resonates with its name. The song talks about hope, finding the silver lining and fixing things that are broken. It talks aboutContinue reading “Unthinkable fates: Here’s what you might have missed out in the Music Video”

“Linked into” Spotify: Curated list of songs for “Work Work Work Work Work”

By Nazvi, 11 April, 2020 With the rising popularity of Spotify, LinkedIn- the American business and employment-oriented service, recently launched a new series on Spotify that consists of 7 categories of playlists targeted for different career stages. Here they are: We’re in it together: Whatever your version of success is, you should know that you’reContinue reading ““Linked into” Spotify: Curated list of songs for “Work Work Work Work Work””

Artists for caregivers: How Art comes to the rescue in crisis

By Nazvi, 11 April, 2020 Established in Paris and founded in 1996, The French auction house, Piasa organizes around sixty auctions in the fields of Modern and Contemporary Art, jewelry, art of Asia, old drawings and paintings, books and manuscripts, artworks, photographs and high period furniture. Recently, Piasa conducted an online charity sale of ContemporaryContinue reading “Artists for caregivers: How Art comes to the rescue in crisis”

Corona Virus gets to Tutankhamun: El-Sisi to postpone the opening of the Grand Egyptian Museum

By Nazvi, 11 April, 2020 The Grand Egyptian Museum, also known as the Giza Museum is going to be the largest archaeological museum in the world. It’s a planned museum of the artifacts of ancient Egypt. The exhibition in the museum would cover about one-third of the total museum grounds displaying 50,000 artifacts. The mainContinue reading “Corona Virus gets to Tutankhamun: El-Sisi to postpone the opening of the Grand Egyptian Museum”

“Mouse d’Orsay”: Quarantined Artist curators create miniature museum for their Gerbils

By Nazvi, 11 April, 2020 The creative juices seem to be flowing in our brains during this Quarantine lock-down, especially for this London-based couple, Filippo Lorenzin, an independent curator and his partner Marianna Benneti, an employee of London’s Victoria and Albert Museum. While their institutions remain closed to the public due to the Corona virusContinue reading ““Mouse d’Orsay”: Quarantined Artist curators create miniature museum for their Gerbils”

4 Bizarre Microsoft Typefaces Explained

By Nazvi, 9 April, 2020 How many times have you gone through the typefaces in MS Office and wondered what their origins are? Microsoft never fails to surprise us. They have truly gone ahead of themselves with their typography. It’s quite interesting to decipher them too. Here are 4 Bizarre typefaces by Microsoft which you’dContinue reading “4 Bizarre Microsoft Typefaces Explained”

5 Interesting Restaurant Concepts in India

By Nazvi, 9 April, 2020 Thinking about all the places that you want to go to once our quarantine period is over? Well, we have got it covered for you, from floating in the air to revolving around like a UFO.These are some unique restaurants and innovative concepts you would want to go to onceContinue reading “5 Interesting Restaurant Concepts in India”

Now you can make your Social Media Stories dramatic: Here is How

By Nazvi, 12 April, 2020 Ever wondered why we feel a certain feeling when a scene changes or even before a certain scene is going to happen? Well, it’s no secret to the filmmakers. Filmmaking is a two-dimensional art form, which is why filmmakers are always trying to create the illusion of depth in theirContinue reading “Now you can make your Social Media Stories dramatic: Here is How”

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