The last Blackman in san Francisco; lonely, loving, and a devoted story of Jimmie falls

By Vaani Pujar, 16 April, 2020 A true masterpiece, which is beautifully directed Joe Talbot, and stars Jimmie falls, Jonathan majors and Danny glover. The reason this movie is a masterpiece is that it is a harsh reality as so much it relishes about San Francisco which comes from the black people. Jimmie falls wantsContinue reading “The last Blackman in san Francisco; lonely, loving, and a devoted story of Jimmie falls”

The Education of Benjamin Bloomstein FW ’20

“When you’re a child the line of masculine and feminine is more blurred.” – Emily Bode A new fresh life into the antique fabrics of Emily bode, the brand itself BODE, what sets bode apart is how deeply personal the stories she tells through her clothing are despite these materials coming from all around the world.Continue reading “The Education of Benjamin Bloomstein FW ’20”

The Bengali Picasso: Bobo Calcutta at LFW summer resort 2019

“Art is a way of life, make it your skin rather than hanging it on the wall.” – Ayushman Mitra By Vaani Pujar, 16 April, 2020 Art and fashion are just convoluted, models are surrounded in bright, tropical colors, with one of the artist designer’s paintings that are used in his collection, Ayushman Mitra doesn’tContinue reading “The Bengali Picasso: Bobo Calcutta at LFW summer resort 2019”

State of hypnosis: sculpts that moves as models walk on the runway

How can you really take your eyes off the runway when the garments models are wearing are moving?  By Vaani Pujar, 16 April, 2020 Anthony Howe a well-known American artist continues to amaze us with his work, one of his work was about gargantuan kinetic sculptures powered by wind or motors that cycle continuously throughContinue reading “State of hypnosis: sculpts that moves as models walk on the runway”

Sanchez Kane: What if Eve was born before Adam?

“Now men are fighting for their basic rights, as we know Mexico was a macho country before and now women are powerful.“ – Sanchez Kane By Vaani Pujar, 10 April, 2020 Barbara Sanchez Kane is a Mexican fashion designer. In her collection, it focuses on two subjects. One side we have the feminism side ofContinue reading “Sanchez Kane: What if Eve was born before Adam?”

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