Women wearing Menswear: acquiring from the boys

“To me menswear is like the ocean: less than 5% has been explored.” Raven Shields By Vaani Pujar, 16 April, 2020 Dressing like a man doesn’t disguise a woman’s femininity, it ignites it. As recently we have seen labels which are really menswear are making a huge statement, a big example can be bode, femaleContinue reading “Women wearing Menswear: acquiring from the boys”

Wednesday workshops with Kenzo

Take a dose of inspiration and creativity in you with Kenzo workshops  By Vaani Pujar, 18 April, 2020 Due to this covid-19 global outbreak, we are often bored and don’t really know what to do, this time is the perfect time to show your creativity and your passion that you had it in you, takeContinue reading “Wednesday workshops with Kenzo”

Museum of death paying infamous Neo Nazi Musician

By Vaani Pujar, 18 April, 2020 In Hollywood, CA has been quietly playing paying infamous neo Nazi musician, antichrist Kramer, to make art and merchandise for them! Neo Nazi aka antichrist Kramer, rock against communism, a lot of people have a problem with them, they are famous for dressing up weirdly. These bands release racistContinue reading “Museum of death paying infamous Neo Nazi Musician”

Van really gone; Painting worth million got stolen on Artist’s 167th birthday

“In these dark days that we are in, I feel so strongly that art is here to comfort us, to inspire us and to heal us.” – Jan Rudolph de Lorm  By Vaani Pujar, 16 April, 2020  Most shocking news, while you were sitting at home due to world lockdown and all 55, ooo museumsContinue reading “Van really gone; Painting worth million got stolen on Artist’s 167th birthday”

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