
By Diya Ahuja, 1 May, 2020 Yesterday, I was going through some artworks from different artists. I grew fond of them at that very moment. I wasn’t exactly able to decipher what the artwork was about or the story behind that artwork. It was tough because the meaning wasn’t right there but that is whatContinue reading “Abstract”

Forbidden Fruit comes with History

By Diya Ahuja, 23 April, 2020 What is controversial art? Well, to be precise, the exact definition of controversial art is that it is a form of art that is not generally accepted within society. It has been created or found from previous times. This means a piece of controversial art of one era mayContinue reading “Forbidden Fruit comes with History”

Why are artists against Instagram’s censorship policies? And what Instagram does about it

By Rushil Pradhan, 20 April, 2020 In October 2019, Instagram held a roundtable meeting at its headquarters in New York City with around 20 well known social media artists, curators, and activists to discuss Instagram’s new censorship policies. The censorship policies had a significant impact on the accounts with a massive following. Artists and theirContinue reading “Why are artists against Instagram’s censorship policies? And what Instagram does about it”

Fashion, But is it Art though?

By Rushil Pradhan, 20 April, 2020 People have been stressing over how to dress to impress since the beginning of pre-modern times, but do those beautiful fashion shots belong on a wall like a painting? Francois Trabelsi, the creator of Art Photo Expo and In Fashion Photo says, “I felt very strongly that some ofContinue reading “Fashion, But is it Art though?”

American Vs European Art World: Who will win this Recovery Race from the Pandemic?

By Rushil Pradhan, 20 April, 2020 Art in the times of a pandemic is something that seems too distant and remote. However, many people living under a lockdown all around the world resort to art to beat that overwhelming feeling of being closed.  Basically, there has always been a race between American and European formsContinue reading “American Vs European Art World: Who will win this Recovery Race from the Pandemic?”

Paintings with deep meaning that will keep you surprised

By Vaani Pujar, 16 April, 2020 Painting often hold a very deep meaning, if you continuously take a look at something you will notice the details of how the artist has expressed his or her feelings in it, every stroke of paint on the canvas tells us a way, of what an artist has goneContinue reading “Paintings with deep meaning that will keep you surprised”

Mental Health > Productive Quarantine

By Diya Ahuja, 19 April, 2020 Who said quarantine should be productive? Mental health has to be the top priority in everyone’s lives. This is the first time everyone in the whole world is experiencing this. This is something huge for everybody. This situation, we’re in is scary and concerns everyone out there. The virusContinue reading “Mental Health > Productive Quarantine”

Art: Emotion: Fashion

By Diya Ahuja, 19 April, 2020 Imagine wearing something that you’re feeling? Isn’t that great? Well, you might have realized this now, but you’ve been doing this, subconsciously since forever. Isn’t fashion a form of art? What is art anyway? Art is something that expresses an idea or an emotion. There is no such definitionContinue reading “Art: Emotion: Fashion”

Profile: Quinten Mestdagh

By Diya Ahuja, 19 April, 2020 Quinten Mestdagh is a 2019 MA fashion graduate from the prestigious Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp. The Emerging Atelier, in an interview with Quinten, states that ” It’s almost like a status symbol when you study fashion”. He wanted to do something else than the conventional silkContinue reading “Profile: Quinten Mestdagh”

Social media is the New Black

By Nazvi, 16 April, 2020 In 2004, Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook, and within a few years, a revolution had taken place online. Within a decade, nearly the entire planet had joined Facebook. With this, the concept of connecting with people through online social networks sprang! The idea of using social media to share experiences andContinue reading “Social media is the New Black”

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