5 Things in the Virtual Art World to keep an Eye on during this Pandemic

By Rushil Pradhan, 10 April, 2020 Here is a list of 5 thought provoking, shows, exhibitions, events and screenings inside the art world that you must  look out for during this global pandemic. 1. “Taggart Time: John Knuth” at Hollis Taggart Taggart Time, a new Instagram TV series hosted by Paul Efstathiou, director of contemporary artContinue reading “5 Things in the Virtual Art World to keep an Eye on during this Pandemic”

Photographic Guide: How not to do Social Distancing via Artworks

By Rushil Pradhan, 10 April, 2020 Parties, family gatherings, operas, sports and many others, the art world is filled with photos of humans not following social distancing. These all pictures remind us of the time when we all could gather without fear. Here are few artworks that will bring a strange weird feeling to your mind.

Locked Down With Kids? Here are 3 Things Which Will Keep Them Hooked

By Rushil Pradhan, 10 April, 2020 With this ongoing pandemic across the globe and total isolation, it can be quite difficult for working parents to work from home and manage kids simultaneously. Here are 3 things online that  you can try which will boost your kids creativity and keep them entertained so that you can workContinue reading “Locked Down With Kids? Here are 3 Things Which Will Keep Them Hooked”

Photographers and writers who’s Instagram feed will make you go crazy

By Vaani Pujar, 16 April, 2020 What attracts you on Instagram? A lot of things right. Being very specific, there are a lot of pages of visual artists to adore from your screen if you take a glance at their profiles, you will fall in love. Instagram is a huge deal and a great placeContinue reading “Photographers and writers who’s Instagram feed will make you go crazy”

5 Must visit Art Galleries in Delhi

“A painting is worth a thousand confused art-gallery visitors.” – Ljupka Cvetanova By Nazvi, 9 April, 2020 Art Galleries: a place where even a person who is not an Artist falls in love with the artwork, a place you can just spend hours and hours, gazing and reading about art and not get bored. HereContinue reading “5 Must visit Art Galleries in Delhi”

4 Bizarre Microsoft Typefaces Explained

By Nazvi, 9 April, 2020 How many times have you gone through the typefaces in MS Office and wondered what their origins are? Microsoft never fails to surprise us. They have truly gone ahead of themselves with their typography. It’s quite interesting to decipher them too. Here are 4 Bizarre typefaces by Microsoft which you’dContinue reading “4 Bizarre Microsoft Typefaces Explained”

5 Interesting Restaurant Concepts in India

By Nazvi, 9 April, 2020 Thinking about all the places that you want to go to once our quarantine period is over? Well, we have got it covered for you, from floating in the air to revolving around like a UFO.These are some unique restaurants and innovative concepts you would want to go to onceContinue reading “5 Interesting Restaurant Concepts in India”

7 Art/Media/Photography Digital Magazines to Follow for Inspiration

By Diya Ahuja, 16 April, 2020 Instagram today is one of the mostly used social media platforms. Every upcoming artist, news/culture company or a brand has to be here because here, they can target a larger audience. Instagram is a good platform to start your work. It can inspire you with a million ideas andContinue reading “7 Art/Media/Photography Digital Magazines to Follow for Inspiration”

Qurantined: Bored In House? Visit Italy’s most Beautiful Cities with an Interesting Perspective

By Rushil Pradhan, 11 April, 2020 Kill your boredom by staring at these exceptionally beautiful drone footage by artists and brothers Parker and Clayton Calvert who recently made their project public. It focuses on the beauty of empty cityscapes around New York, Rome, Florence, and Siena.  Outside peek into the silent places within the busiest citiesContinue reading “Qurantined: Bored In House? Visit Italy’s most Beautiful Cities with an Interesting Perspective”

Art journaling pages you must follow

By Vaani Pujar, 16 April, 2020 5am thoughts, write it in your journal in your journal, little things and little moments does matter, and all journals describe at what age you have gone through or what life struggles you really don’t want to forget which can be in just a small journal, which is yourContinue reading “Art journaling pages you must follow”

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