
Artwork by Vaani Pujar
Her hands full of sand, 
Letting it sift through in the wind, 
I look in and say take this, 
This is what I have saved,
Take this, Hurry. 
(Jodie graham, 
from “prayer”, never) 

"I'd always found myself,
At the shore,
Going deeper,
The longer I stayed,
The farther I went,
Immersed in,
The river.With every time,
My desire to go deeper,
An uncontrollable urge,
L'appel du vide,
But, I'd always stop,
Dimly aware of the world,
I'd have to get back to,
Before I reached the point of,
No return.Almost there,
Almost lost,
Almost finding,
What I truly wanted; Chained,
By the shackles of the reality,
I had to return to,
But, reality,
Gave me an answer.
Well, illusion,
With the puffs of smoke,
I blew out,
Away from reality,
Chained; not aware,
Less painful than that
Unquenchable desire,
{That I have a vague remembrance of}. 
Quenched? Not quite,
But, now when I step into the river,
I'm weak as I watch it flowing,
Drunken, dreaming,
The river overpowers me,
I falter standing at the bank,
Not daring to step in further,
Forgotten to explore,
I go back to reality,
To the illusion it showed me,
Trying to forget,
The river,
(By Kumud)

My brain searches for an image
an image it can, for once,
decipher into a puzzle
so i can be less of an open book
and more of a story
you would pick off the shelf
in the library you've created
between your palms, my world
starts in the lines, as i read
what's written, is often more
than what you see, but i see
the lines you created on your own
im afraid these lines i reside in
won't ever take me there, for those are too far
and i fear wandering off into a world unknown
ever since you happened
i have known to be the book picked up less
and the dust scars my cover
but i have learnt to be picked up less
and so, i stay in the lines- reading.
(By Mukul Jindal)

I don’t begrudge the spring
 for coming back again.
I can’t blame it
For doing its duty
The same as every year.
I realise my sorrow 
Won’t halt the greenery. 
If a blade wavers 
It’s only from the wind. 
(“Parting with a View”,
 Miracle Fair:
 Selected Poems 
of Wislawa Szymborska)

Full moon. 
Evenings wrapped in red petals 
of sumbal trees,
Ushering in a spring,
Till it all gets clothed 
In the ominous sheets 
Of darkness 
As night crawls inside 
The untouched corners 
Of a house 
That belongs to no one 
The walls cave in 
And the memories crumble 
Under the weight 
Of empty promises 
And innocent hands 
That haven’t been touched 
By the moon 
Blushing in the hue
Of a setting sky 
The petals reflect 
With their crimson 
And spread in the wind
And rising clouds 
Over tea cups 
And incomplete conversations 
Where once past used to be 
Now is only a remnant 
Of a picture frame 
That has been broken 
By time 
And only dirt settles 
Imbibed to the plane blackness 
Trying to hold together 
The memory that was once lived 
And now only 
Breathes from under the rubble 
Not enough to cause alarm 
Only enough to exist 
The demon walks through us 
With a silence 
Weaved over my lips 
My eyes blinded by 
False hope 
My ears buried by the voices 
Inside my head 
They tell me I’m lost 
When in fact 
This is the first time 
I’ve found 
This is not
Who I used to be 
For now, 
The only bargain I make 
At the altar of life and death 
Is to remember 
The person I was 
Bruises and all 
Fading in the evening sky 
Till the moon rises again.
(Amna Ameer)

I held you like a victory, 
embarrassed and relieved that 
this was how you loved. 
To the bone of you. 
To the meat.
 And we want the stricken 
pleasure of intimacy, 
so we risk it.
(Traci Brimhall, from “Fledgling")

Free flow between lows
             to whoever is reading, 
i write to ease your pain.  
give you a brief distraction from 
what these fear feeds contain
 because i feel the hurting & the suffering 
of the world at the hands of extremely
 vain shapeshifting personalities
 that appear to only pretend to
 have our best interests at heart 
when their only aim is to seize our brains 
 so they command us to listen & read their claims. 
i write to help to keep you sane in a world
 that's going insane so please stay safe.
(unknown) .  

I. In March the earth remembers its own name. 
Everywhere the plates of snow are cracking. 
The rivers begin to sing. 
In the sky 
the winter stars are sliding away; 
new stars 
appear as, later, small blades of grain
 will shine in the dark fields. 
And the name of every place,
is joyful. 
II. The season of curiosity is everlasting 
and the hour for adventure never ends,
 but tonight 
even the men who walked upon the moon 
are lying content
 by open windows where the winds are 
sweeping over the fields, 
over water, 
over the naked earth, 
into villages, and lonely country houses, 
and the vast cities 
III. because it is spring; 
because once more the moon and the 
earth are eloping - 
a love match that will bring 
forth fantastic children 
who will learn to stand, walk, 
and finally run   
 over the surface of earth; 
who will believe, for years, 
that everything is possible. 
IV. Born of clay, 
how shall a man be holy; 
born of water, 
how shall a man visit the stars; 
born of the seasons, 
how shall a man live forever?
 V. Soon the child of the red-spotted newt, the eft, 
will enter his life from the tiny egg.
 On his delicate legs 
he will run through the valleys of moss 
down to the leaf mold by the streams, 
where lately white snow lay upon the earth 
like a deep and lustrous blanket 
of moon-fire,
 VI. and probably
 everything is 
(Worm Moon
by Mary Oliver)

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