Know the Artist more: An Interview with Visual Artist Annada Menon

As a part of our series “Know the Artist more”, Today we are joined by Annada Menon, A freelance visual artist from Pune. who love’s to explore different artforms. She did her studies from Karnataka Chitrakala Parishath (College of Fine Arts, Bangalore) and has a specialisation in painting. She is known for her Instagram seriesContinue reading “Know the Artist more: An Interview with Visual Artist Annada Menon”

Know the Artist More: Anthony Rondinone

By Diya Ahuja, 3 April, 2020 Q. Hi Anthony. Tell us something about yourself. A. I grew up in the Bronx and I think that exposed me to a lot of weird stuff at an early age which I think I still use today when painting or writing music. Q. How well do you connectContinue reading “Know the Artist More: Anthony Rondinone”

Know the Artist more: The Man Behind Metrodoodle

By Rushil Pradhan, 21 April 2020 As a part of our series “Know The Artist More”, Today we have Samar Khan, full time Software Developer/ Freelance Illustrator. Who uses his free time during commutes creating doodles. taking Delhi Metro as his canvas to imagine things and draw. From monsters to superheros he keeps on creatingContinue reading “Know the Artist more: The Man Behind Metrodoodle”

Van really gone; Painting worth million got stolen on Artist’s 167th birthday

“In these dark days that we are in, I feel so strongly that art is here to comfort us, to inspire us and to heal us.” – Jan Rudolph de Lorm  By Vaani Pujar, 16 April, 2020  Most shocking news, while you were sitting at home due to world lockdown and all 55, ooo museumsContinue reading “Van really gone; Painting worth million got stolen on Artist’s 167th birthday”

No one captures loneliness quite like Edward hopper

“We are all lone figures that are lost in thoughts and now we all can connect with Edward hopper, an American artist’s paintings while sitting at home” via twitter By Vaani Pujar, 16 April, 2020 Hopper’s paintings are a contemplated work, an important painter of the “American imagination”, an occurrence which his urban paintings capture.Continue reading “No one captures loneliness quite like Edward hopper”

Picasso by Gertrude stein

“A creator is not in advance of his generation but he is the first of his contemporaries to be conscious of what is happening to his generation.” Pablo Picasso By Vaani Pujar 16 April, 2020 An understanding of modern art, and how Gertrude explained about the great artist of all time Pablo Picasso, the bookContinue reading “Picasso by Gertrude stein”

The Bengali Picasso: Bobo Calcutta at LFW summer resort 2019

“Art is a way of life, make it your skin rather than hanging it on the wall.” – Ayushman Mitra By Vaani Pujar, 16 April, 2020 Art and fashion are just convoluted, models are surrounded in bright, tropical colors, with one of the artist designer’s paintings that are used in his collection, Ayushman Mitra doesn’tContinue reading “The Bengali Picasso: Bobo Calcutta at LFW summer resort 2019”

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