
By Diya Ahuja, 1 May, 2020 Yesterday, I was going through some artworks from different artists. I grew fond of them at that very moment. I wasn’t exactly able to decipher what the artwork was about or the story behind that artwork. It was tough because the meaning wasn’t right there but that is whatContinue reading “Abstract”

Social media is the New Black

By Nazvi, 16 April, 2020 In 2004, Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook, and within a few years, a revolution had taken place online. Within a decade, nearly the entire planet had joined Facebook. With this, the concept of connecting with people through online social networks sprang! The idea of using social media to share experiences andContinue reading “Social media is the New Black”

COVID-19 :This is what Banksy’s work from home looks like

“My Wife Hates It When I Work From Home“ – Banksy By Rushil Pradhan, 18 April, 2020 The mysterious street artist Banksy uncovers his latest rat-infested artwork to his fans through Instagram with a hilarious caption “My wife hates it when I work from home.” Also showing some insights to his private life. The artworkContinue reading “COVID-19 :This is what Banksy’s work from home looks like”

COVID-19 is Pandemic: WHO and UN wants Artists to submit Artworks that creates awareness among Public about COVID-19

You have the power to change the world. The UN needs your help to stop the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) By Rushil Pradhan, 14 April, 2020 This is an open call for all the designers, artists, and independent creators to submit designs in any form- visuals, graphics even audio tracks and videos as long as theyContinue reading “COVID-19 is Pandemic: WHO and UN wants Artists to submit Artworks that creates awareness among Public about COVID-19”

Photographic Guide: How not to do Social Distancing via Artworks

By Rushil Pradhan, 10 April, 2020 Parties, family gatherings, operas, sports and many others, the art world is filled with photos of humans not following social distancing. These all pictures remind us of the time when we all could gather without fear. Here are few artworks that will bring a strange weird feeling to your mind.

Art journaling pages you must follow

By Vaani Pujar, 16 April, 2020 5am thoughts, write it in your journal in your journal, little things and little moments does matter, and all journals describe at what age you have gone through or what life struggles you really don’t want to forget which can be in just a small journal, which is yourContinue reading “Art journaling pages you must follow”

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