Know the Artist more: The Man Behind Metrodoodle

By Rushil Pradhan, 21 April 2020 As a part of our series “Know The Artist More”, Today we have Samar Khan, full time Software Developer/ Freelance Illustrator. Who uses his free time during commutes creating doodles. taking Delhi Metro as his canvas to imagine things and draw. From monsters to superheros he keeps on creatingContinue reading “Know the Artist more: The Man Behind Metrodoodle”

Instagram’s Eye Candy

By Diya Ahuja, 15 April, 2020 “Art wasn’t supposed to look nice, it was supposed to make you feel something.” – Rainbow Rowell (Elenor and Park) Visual Art is every form of art that we can see visually. From sketches and paintings to cinematography and photography, it covers it all. It has been playing suchContinue reading “Instagram’s Eye Candy”

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