Why are artists against Instagram’s censorship policies? And what Instagram does about it

By Rushil Pradhan, 20 April, 2020 In October 2019, Instagram held a roundtable meeting at its headquarters in New York City with around 20 well known social media artists, curators, and activists to discuss Instagram’s new censorship policies. The censorship policies had a significant impact on the accounts with a massive following. Artists and theirContinue reading “Why are artists against Instagram’s censorship policies? And what Instagram does about it”

Social media is the New Black

By Nazvi, 16 April, 2020 In 2004, Mark Zuckerberg founded Facebook, and within a few years, a revolution had taken place online. Within a decade, nearly the entire planet had joined Facebook. With this, the concept of connecting with people through online social networks sprang! The idea of using social media to share experiences andContinue reading “Social media is the New Black”

Photographers and writers who’s Instagram feed will make you go crazy

By Vaani Pujar, 16 April, 2020 What attracts you on Instagram? A lot of things right. Being very specific, there are a lot of pages of visual artists to adore from your screen if you take a glance at their profiles, you will fall in love. Instagram is a huge deal and a great placeContinue reading “Photographers and writers who’s Instagram feed will make you go crazy”

Social Media: Platform for Artists

By Nazvi, 12 April, 2020 About 3.8 million people on this planet are on Social Media out of which there are many artists. This interview is about artists who use Social Media as a platform to put up their work, to reach out to their audience and for job opportunities as well. In this interviewContinue reading “Social Media: Platform for Artists”

Nakid Magazine: “Love From Home Fest”

By Diya Ahuja, 16 April, 2020 Nakid magazine (@nakid_magazine), an online art/music/creative media agency based in Miami, Florida. It has a following of 787K and is founded by Dustin Hollywood and Charis Kirchheimer. This magazine organized a 3-day music festival called “Love from Home Fest” starting from Friday, April 10, 2020.  It was a virtualContinue reading “Nakid Magazine: “Love From Home Fest””

Art journaling pages you must follow

By Vaani Pujar, 16 April, 2020 5am thoughts, write it in your journal in your journal, little things and little moments does matter, and all journals describe at what age you have gone through or what life struggles you really don’t want to forget which can be in just a small journal, which is yourContinue reading “Art journaling pages you must follow”

Instagram’s Eye Candy

By Diya Ahuja, 15 April, 2020 “Art wasn’t supposed to look nice, it was supposed to make you feel something.” – Rainbow Rowell (Elenor and Park) Visual Art is every form of art that we can see visually. From sketches and paintings to cinematography and photography, it covers it all. It has been playing suchContinue reading “Instagram’s Eye Candy”

Undies without wedgies: Underwear that does not judge you

By Nazvi, 10 April, 2020 Ingredients to the “ideal” figure: 2 large breasts with a pinch of curvy but, flat stomach, add thick things and 2 cups of big butts. Do you get conscious about your body every time you see the models in a lingerie ad? It’s time for you to switch to aContinue reading “Undies without wedgies: Underwear that does not judge you”

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