My ‘actual’ calling: Mid-life career change

By Nazvi, 3 May, 2020 It is never too late to pursue your passion. In this interview we’ll be talking to Maj (Retd) Shilpa Nayudu who made a major (pun intended) career change after serving in the Army. Q. Could you please give us an introduction of yourself? A. I am Shilpa Nayudu an artist,Continue reading “My ‘actual’ calling: Mid-life career change”

“Mouse d’Orsay”: Quarantined Artist curators create miniature museum for their Gerbils

By Nazvi, 11 April, 2020 The creative juices seem to be flowing in our brains during this Quarantine lock-down, especially for this London-based couple, Filippo Lorenzin, an independent curator and his partner Marianna Benneti, an employee of London’s Victoria and Albert Museum. While their institutions remain closed to the public due to the Corona virusContinue reading ““Mouse d’Orsay”: Quarantined Artist curators create miniature museum for their Gerbils”

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